Application Description Template (ADT)


MiCADO executes applications described by Application Description Template. The ADT follows the TOSCA Specification and is described in detail in this section.

Main sections of the ADT

Top-level definitions

  • tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0.
  • imports: List of urls pointing to custom TOSCA types. The default url points to the custom types defined for MiCADO. Please, do not modify this url.
  • repositories: Docker repositories with their addresses.

Topology template section

  • node_templates: Definitions of the application containers (see Specification of the Application) and auxilary components such as a volume (see Specification of Volumes) and virtual machines (see Specification of the Virtual Machine)
  • policies: Scaling & metric policies (see Specification of Policies)

Types section (optional)

This section is used to optionally define additional detailed types which can be referenced in the topology_template section to benefit from abstraction. Under policy_types: for example, complex scaling logic can be defined here, then referenced in the policies section above

Example of the overall structure of an ADT

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0



      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker

      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume

      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.<CLOUD_API_TYPE>.Compute

  - monitoring:
      type: tosca.policies.Monitoring.MiCADO
        enable_container_metrics: true
        enable_node_metrics: false
  - scalability:
      type: tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO
      targets: [ YOUR-VIRTUAL-MACHINE ]
  - scalability:
      type: tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO
      targets: [ YOUR-KUBERNETES-APP ]
  - network:
      type: tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.HttpProxy
        encryption: true
        encryption_key: |
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
  - secret:
      type: tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Secret.KubernetesSecretDistribution


Under the node_templates section you can define one or more Docker containers and choose to orchestrate them with Kubernetes (see YOUR-KUBERNETES-APP). Each container is described as a separate named node which references a type (more on types below). The definition of the most basic container consists of the following:

NOTE Kubernetes does not allow for underscores in any resource names (ie TOSCA node names). Names must also begin and end with an alphanumeric.


The fields under the properties section of the Kubernetes app are a collection of options specific to all iterations of Docker containers. The translator understands both Docker-Compose style naming and Kubernetes style naming, though the Kubernetes style is recommended. You can find additional information about properties in the translator documentation. These properties will be translated into Kubernetes manifests on deployment.

Under the properties section of an app (see YOUR-KUBERNETES-APP) here are a few common keywords:

  • name: name for the container (defaults to the TOSCA node name)
  • command: override the default command line of the container (list)
  • args: override the default entrypoint of container (list)
  • env: list of required environment variables in format:
    • name:
    • value:
    • valueFrom: !! see note below
  • envFrom: !! see note below
  • resource:
    • requests:
      • cpu: CPU reservation, core components usually require 100m so assume 900m as a maximum
  • ports: list of published ports to the host machine, you can specify these keywords in the style of a flattened (Service, ServiceSpec and ServicePort can all be defined at the same level - see Kubernetes Service)
    • targetPort: the port to target (assumes port if not specified)
    • port: the port to publish (assumes targetPort if not specified)
    • name: the name of this port in the service (generated if not specified)
    • protocol: the protocol for the port (defaults to: TCP)
    • nodePort: the port (30000-32767) to expose on the host (will create a nodePort Service unless type is explicitly set below)
    • type: the type of service for this port (defaults to: ClusterIP unless nodePort is defined above)
    • clusterIP: the desired (internal) IP ( for this service (defaults to next available)
    • metadata: service metadata, giving the option to set a name for the service. Explicit naming can be used to group different ports together (default grouping is by type)

Environment variables can be loaded in from configuration data in Kubernetes ConfigMaps. This can be accomplished by using envFrom: with a list of configMapRef: to load all data from a ConfigMap into environment variables as seen here , or by using env: and valueFrom: with configMapKeyRef: to load specific values into environment variables as seen here .

Alternatively, ConfigMaps can be mounted as volumes as discussed here , in the same way other volumes are attached to a container, using the requirements: notation below. Also see the examples in Specification of Configuration Data below.


Under the artifacts section you can define the docker image for the kubernetes app. Three fields must be defined:

  • type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image.Container.Docker
  • file: docker image for the kubernetes app (e.g. sztakilpds/cqueue_frontend:latest )
  • repository: name of the repository where the image is located. The name used here (e.g. docker_hub), must be defined at the top of the description under the repositories section.


Under the requirements section you can define the virtual machine you want to host this particular app, restricting the container to run only on that VM. If you do not provide a host requirement, the container will run on any possible virtual machine. You can also attach a volume or ConfigMap to this app - the definition of volumes can be found in the next section. Requirements takes a list of map objects:

  • host: name of your virtual machine as defined under node_templates
  • volume:
    • node: name of your volume (or ConfigMap) as defined under node_templates
    • relationship: !!
      • type: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
      • properties:
        • location: path in container
  • container: name of a sidecar container defined as a tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker type under node_templates. The sidecar will share the Kubernetes Pod with the main container (the sidecar should not be given an interface)

If a relationship is not defined for a volume the path on container will be the same as the path defined in the volume (see Specification of Volumes). If no path is defined in the volume, the path defaults to /etc/micado/volumes for a Volume or /etc/micado/configs for a ConfigMap


Under the interfaces section you can define orchestrator specific options, to instruct MiCADO to use Kubernetes, we use the key Kubernetes. Fields under inputs: will be translated directly to a Kubernetes manifest so it is possible to use the full range of properties which Kubernetes offers as long as field names and syntax follow the Kubernetes documentation If inputs: is omitted a set of defaults will be used to create a Deployment

  • create: this key tells MiCADO to create a workload (Deployment/DaemonSet/Job/Pod etc…) for this container
    • inputs: top-level workload and workload spec options go here… two examples, for more see translator documentation
      • kind: overwrite the workload type (defaults to Deployment)
      • spec:
        • strategy:
          • type: Recreate (kill pods then update instead of RollingUpdate)
  • configure: this key configures the Pod for this workload
    • inputs: PodTemplateSpec options follow here… For example
      • spec:
        • restartPolicy: change the restart policy (defaults to Always)


Through abstraction, it is possible to reference a pre-defined parent type and simplify the description of a container. These parent types can hide or reduce the complexity of more complex TOSCA constructs such as artifacts and interfaces by enforcing defaults or moving them to a simpler construct such as properties. Currently MiCADO supports the following types:

  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker - The base and most common type for Docker containers in MiCADO. If the desired Docker container image is stored in DockerHub, the property image: can be used instead of defining artifacts:
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment - As above, but orchestrated as a Kubernetes Deployment so that interfaces: is not required
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.DaemonSet - As above, but for a Kubernetes DaemonSet
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Pod.Kubernetes - Creates an empty Pod. No properties are available, so to use this type a container must be defined and assigned no interface as type tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker and referenced under requirements: (more than one container can be referenced to run multiple containers in a single Pod)
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Pod.Kubernetes.Deployment - As above, but a Kubernetes Deployment

Examples of the definition of a basic application

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker and the Docker image in a custom repository

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker
      type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image.Container.Docker
      repository: custom_registry

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker and the Docker image in DockerHub

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment and the Docker image in DockerHub

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment

Multiple containers in a single Pod, images in DockerHub

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Pod.Kubernetes
  - container: YOUR-KUBERNETES-APP

Networking in Kubernetes

Kubernetes networking is inherently different to the approach taken by Docker/Swarm. This is a complex subject which is worth a read here . Since every pod gets its own IP, which any pod can by default use to communicate with any other pod, this means there is no network to explicitly define. If the ports keyword is defined in the definition above, pods can reach each other over CoreDNS via their hostname (container name).

Under the outputs section (this key is nested within topology_template) you can define an output to retrieve from Kubernetes via the adaptor. Currently, only port info is obtainable.

    value: { get_attribute: [ YOUR-KUBERNETES-APP, port ]}


Volumes are defined at the same level as virtual machines and containers, and are then connected to containers using the requirements: notation discussed above in the container spec. Some examples of attaching volumes will follow.


Under the interfaces section you should define orchestrator specific options, here we again use the key Kubernetes:

  • create: this key tells MiCADO to create a persistent volume and claim
    • inputs: persistent volume specific spec options… here are two popular examples, see Kubernetes volumes for more
      • nfs:
        • server: IP of NFS server
        • path: path on NFS share
      • hostPath:
        • path: path on host
  • configure:
    • inputs: using this key, options can be overwritten in the claim


Through abstraction, it is possible to reference a pre-defined parent type and simplify the description of a volume. These parent types can hide or reduce the complexity of more complex TOSCA constructs such as interfaces by enforcing defaults or moving them to a simpler construct such as properties. Currently MiCADO supports the following volume types:

  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume - The base and most common type for volumes in MiCADO. It is necessary to define further fields under interfaces:
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.EmptyDir - Creates a EmptyDir persistent volume (PV) and claim (PVC) in Kubernetes
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.HostPath - Creates a HostPath PV and PVC. Define the path on host as path: under properties:
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.NFS - Creates an NFS PV and PVC. Define the path and server IP as path: and server: under properties:
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.GlusterFS - Creates a GlusterFS PV and PVC. Define path, endpoint and readOnly flag as path:, endpoints:, and readOnly: under properties:

Examples of the definition of a basic volume

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume
            path: /exports

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
  - volume:
      node: YOUR-VOLUME
        type: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
          location: /tmp/container/mount/point

Another example with tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume

Here, no relationship is defined under requirements so the path defined by the volume /etc/mypath will be used as the container mount point
  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume
            path: /etc/mypath

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
  - volume: YOUR-VOLUME

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.EmptyDir

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.EmptyDir

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
  - volume:
      node: YOUR-VOLUME
        type: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
          location: /tmp/container/mount/point

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.NFS

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Volume.NFS
    path: /exports

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
  - volume:
      node: YOUR-VOLUME
        type: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
          location: /tmp/container/mount/point

Configuration Data

Configuration data (a Kubernetes ConfigMap) are to be defined at the same level as virtual machines, containers and volumes and then loaded into environment variables, or mounted as volumes in the definition of containers as discussed in Specification of the Application. Some examples of using configurations will follow at the end of this section.


Currently MiCADO only supports the definition of configuration data as Kubernetes ConfigMaps. Under the interfaces section of this type use the key Kubernetes: to instruct MiCADO to create a ConfigMap.

  • create: this key tells MiCADO to create a ConfigMap
    • inputs: ConfigMap fields to be overwritten, for more detail see ConfigMap
      • data: for UTF-8 byte values
      • binaryData: for byte values outside of the UTF-8 range


Through abstraction, it is possible to reference a pre-defined parent type and simplify the description of a ConfigMap. These parent types can hide or reduce the complexity of more complex TOSCA constructs such as interfaces by enforcing defaults or moving them to a simpler construct such as properties. Currently MiCADO supports the following ConfigMap types:

  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config - The base and most common type for configuration data in MiCADO. It is necessary to define further fields under interfaces: as indicated above
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config.Kubernetes - Defaults to a Kubernetes interface and abstracts the inputs to properties. Define the data or binary data fields as data: and binaryData: under properties:

Examples of the definition of a simple ConfigMap

Single ENV var with tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config

Here the environment variable MY_COLOUR is assigned a value from the ConfigMap
  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config
            color: purple
            how: fairlyNice
            textmode: "true"

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
    - name: MY_COLOUR
          name: YOUR-CONFIG
          key: color

All ENV vars with tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config.Kubernetes

Here an environment variable is created for each key (this becomes the variable name) and value pair in the ConfigMap
  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config.Kubernetes
      color: purple
      how: fairlyNice
      textmode: "true"

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
    - configMapRef:
          name: YOUR-CONFIG

A volume with tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config.Kubernetes

Here a volume at /etc/config is populated with three files named after the ConfigMap key names and containing the matching values
  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Config.Kubernetes
      color: purple
      how: fairlyNice
      textmode: "true"

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker.Deployment
  - volume:
      node: YOUR-CONFIG
        type: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
          location: /etc/config

Virtual Machine

The collection of docker containers (kubernetes applications) specified in the previous section is orchestrated by Kubernetes. This section introduces how the parameters of the virtual machine can be configured which will host the Kubernetes worker node. During operation MiCADO will instantiate as many virtual machines with the parameters defined here as required during scaling. MiCADO currently supports six different cloud interfaces: CloudSigma, CloudBroker, EC2, Nova, Azure and GCE. MiCADO supports multiple virtual machine “sets” which can be restricted to host only specific containers (defined in the requirements section of the container specification). At the moment multi-cloud support is in alpha stage, so only certain combinations of different cloud service providers will work.

NOTE Underscores are not permitted in virtual machine names (ie TOSCA node names). Names should also begin and end with an alphanumeric.

The following ports and protocols should be enabled on the virtual machine acting as MiCADO worker, replacing [exposed_application_ports] with ports you wish to expose on the host:

Protocol Port(s) Service
TCP 30000-32767* exposed application node ports (configurable*)
TCP 10250 kubelet
UDP 8285 & 8472 flannel overlay network

The following subsections details how to configure them.


Here is the basic look of a Virtual Machine node inside an ADT:

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO...Compute
      insert: true
      cloud_config: |
        - <some_command_here>

          num_cpus: 2
          mem_size: 4 GB
          type: linux
          distribution: ubuntu
          version: 18.04

            endpoint: https://mycloud/api/v1

The properties section is REQUIRED and contains the necessary properties to provision the virtual machine and vary from cloud to cloud. Properties for each cloud are detailed further below.

Cloud Contextualisation

It is possible to provide custom configuration of the deployed nodes via cloud-init scripts . MiCADO relies on a cloud-init config to join nodes as workers to the cluster, so it is recommended to only add to the default config, except for certain cases.

The context key is supported by all the cloud compute node definitions below. New cloud-init configurations should be defined in cloud_config and one of append or insert should be set to true to avoid overwriting the default cloud-init config for MiCADO.

  • Setting append to true will add the newly defined configurations to the end of the default cloud-init config
  • Setting insert to true will add the newly defined configurations to the start of the default cloud-init config, before the MiCADO Worker is fully initialised

The capabilities sections for all virtual machine definitions that follow are identical and are ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. They are ommited in the cloud-specific examples below. They are filled with the following metadata to support human readability:

  • num_cpus under host is an integer specifying number of CPUs for the instance type
  • mem_size under host is a readable string with unit specifying RAM of the instance type
  • type under os is a readable string specifying the operating system type of the image
  • distribution under os is a readable string specifying the OS distro of the image
  • version under os is a readable string specifying the OS version of the image

The interfaces section of all virtual machine definitions that follow are REQUIRED, and allow you to provide orchestrator specific inputs, in the examples we use either Occopus or Terraform based on suitability.

  • create: this key tells MiCADO to create the VM using Occopus/Terraform
    • inputs: Extra settings to pass to Occopus or Terraform
      • endpoint: the endpoint API of the cloud (always required for Occopus, sometimes required for Terraform)


To instantiate MiCADO workers on CloudSigma, please use the template below. MiCADO requires num_cpus, mem_size, vnc_password, libdrive_id, public_key_id and firewall_policy to instantiate VM on CloudSigma.

Currently, only Occopus has support for CloudSigma, so Occopus must be enabled as in Step 6: Customize the deployment, and the interface must be set to Occopus as in the example below.

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute
      num_cpus: ADD_NUM_CPUS_FREQ (e.g. 4096)
      mem_size: ADD_MEM_SIZE (e.g. 4294967296)
      vnc_password: ADD_YOUR_PW (e.g. secret)
      libdrive_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (eg. 87ce928e-e0bc-4cab-9502-514e523783e3)
      public_key_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. d7c0f1ee-40df-4029-8d95-ec35b34dae1e)
      - firewall_policy: ADD_YOUR_FIREWALL_POLICY_ID_HERE (e.g. fd97e326-83c8-44d8-90f7-0a19110f3c9d)
          conf: dhcp

            endpoint: ADD_YOUR_ENDPOINT (e.g for cloudsigma )

Under the properties section of a CloudSigma virtual machine definition these inputs are available.:

  • num_cpus is the speed of CPU (e.g. 4096) in terms of MHz of your VM to be instantiated. The CPU frequency required to be between 250 and 100000
  • mem_size is the amount of RAM (e.g. 4294967296) in terms of bytes to be allocated for your VM. The memory required to be between 268435456 and 137438953472
  • vnc_password set the password for your VNC session (e.g. secret).
  • libdrive_id is the image id (e.g. 87ce928e-e0bc-4cab-9502-514e523783e3) on your CloudSigma cloud. Select an image containing a base os installation with cloud-init support!
  • public_key_id specifies the keypairs (e.g. d7c0f1ee-40df-4029-8d95-ec35b34dae1e) to be assigned to your VM.
  • nics[.firewall_policy && .ip_v4_conf.conf] specifies network policies (you can define multiple security groups in the form of a list for your VM).


To instantiate MiCADO workers on CloudBroker, please use the template below. MiCADO requires deployment_id and instance_type_id to instantiate a VM on CloudBroker.

Currently, only Occopus has support for CloudBroker, so Occopus must be enabled as in Step 6: Customize the deployment and the interface must be set to Occopus as in the example below.

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudBroker.Compute
      deployment_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. e7491688-599d-4344-95ef-aff79a60890e)
      instance_type_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. 9b2028be-9287-4bf6-bbfe-bcbc92f065c0)
      key_pair_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. d865f75f-d32b-4444-9fbb-3332bcedeb75)
      opened_port: ADD_YOUR_PORTS_HERE (e.g. '22,2377,7946,8300,8301,8302,8500,8600,9100,9200,4789')

            endpoint: ADD_YOUR_ENDPOINT (e.g )

Under the properties section of a CloudBroker virtual machine definition these inputs are available.:

  • deployment_id is the id of a preregistered deployment in CloudBroker referring to a cloud, image, region, etc. Make sure the image contains a base OS (preferably Ubuntu) installation with cloud-init support! The id is the UUID of the deployment which can be seen in the address bar of your browser when inspecting the details of the deployment.
  • instance_type_id is the id of a preregistered instance type in CloudBroker referring to the capacity of the virtual machine to be deployed. The id is the UUID of the instance type which can be seen in the address bar of your browser when inspecting the details of the instance type.
  • key_pair_id is the id of a preregistered ssh public key in CloudBroker which will be deployed on the virtual machine. The id is the UUID of the key pair which can be seen in the address bar of your browser when inspecting the details of the key pair.
  • opened_port is one or more ports to be opened to the world. This is a string containing numbers separated by a comma.


To instantiate MiCADO workers on a cloud through EC2 interface, please use the template below. MiCADO requires region_name, image_id and instance_type to instantiate a VM through EC2.

Terraform supports provisioning on AWS EC2, and Occopus supports both AWS EC2 and OpenNebula EC2. To use Terraform, enable it as described in Step 6: Customize the deployment and adjust the interfaces section accordingly.

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.EC2.Compute
        region_name: ADD_YOUR_REGION_NAME_HERE (e.g. eu-west-1)
        image_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. ami-12345678)
        instance_type: ADD_YOUR_INSTANCE_TYPE_HERE (e.g. t1.small)

          endpoint: ADD_YOUR_ENDPOINT (e.g

Under the properties section of an EC2 virtual machine definition these inputs are available.:

  • region_name is the region name within an EC2 cloud (e.g. eu-west-1).
  • image_id is the image id (e.g. ami-12345678) on your EC2 cloud. Select an image containing a base os installation with cloud-init support!
  • instance_type is the instance type (e.g. t1.small) of your VM to be instantiated.
  • key_name optionally specifies the keypair (e.g. my_ssh_keypair) to be deployed on your VM.
  • security_group_ids optionally specify security settings (you can define multiple security groups or just one, but this property must be formatted as a list, e.g. [sg-93d46bf7]) of your VM.
  • subnet_id optionally specifies subnet identifier (e.g. subnet-644e1e13) to be attached to the VM.

Under the interfaces section of an EC2 virtual machine definition, the endpoint input is required by Occopus as seen in the example above.

For Terraform the endpoint is discovered automatically based on region. To customise the endpoint pass the endpoint input in interfaces.

          endpoint: ADD_YOUR_ENDPOINT (e.g https://my-custom-endpoint/api)


To instantiate MiCADO workers on a cloud through Nova interface, please use the template below. MiCADO requires image_id, flavor_name, project_id and network_id to instantiate a VM through Nova.

Both Occopus and Terraform support Nova provisioning. To use Terraform, enable it as described in Step 6: Customize the deployment and adjust the interfaces section accordingly.

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Nova.Compute
        image_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. d4f4e496-031a-4f49-b034-f8dafe28e01c)
        flavor_name: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. 3)
        project_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. a678d20e71cb4b9f812a31e5f3eb63b0)
        network_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. 3fd4c62d-5fbe-4bd9-9a9f-c161dabeefde)
        key_name: ADD_YOUR_KEY_HERE (e.g. keyname)
          - ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. d509348f-21f1-4723-9475-0cf749e05c33)

          endpoint: ADD_YOUR_ENDPOINT (e.g

Under the properties section of a Nova virtual machine definition these inputs are available.:

  • project_id is the id of project you would like to use on your target Nova cloud.
  • image_id is the image id on your Nova cloud. Select an image containing a base os installation with cloud-init support!
  • flavor_name is the id of the desired flavor for the VM.
  • tenant_name is the name of the Tenant or Project to login with.
  • user_domain_name is the domain name where the user is located.
  • availability_zone is the availability zone in which to create the VM.
  • server_name optionally defines the hostname of VM (e.g.:”helloworld”).
  • key_name optionally sets the name of the keypair to be associated to the instance. Keypair name must be defined on the target nova cloud before launching the VM.
  • security_groups optionally specify security settings (you can define multiple security groups in the form of a list) for your VM.
  • network_id is the id of the network you would like to use on your target Nova cloud.

Under the interfaces section of a Nova virtual machine definition, the endpoint input (v3 Identity service) is required as seen in the example above.

For Terraform the endpoint should also be passed as endpoint in inputs. Depending on the configuration of the OpenStack cluster, it may be necessary to provide network_name in addition to the ID.

          endpoint: ADD_YOUR_ENDPOINT (e.g
          network_name: ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_NAME (e.g mynet-default)

Authentication in OpenStack is supported by MiCADO in two ways:

The default method is authenticating with the same credentials used to access the OpenStack WebUI by providing the username and password fields in credentials-cloud-api.yml during Step 2: Specify cloud credential for instantiating MiCADO workers.

The other option is with Application Credentials For this method, provide application_credential_id and applicaiton_credential_secret in credentials-cloud-api.yml. If these fields are filled, username and password will be ignored.


To instantiate MiCADO workers on a cloud through Azure interface, please use the template below. Currently, only Terraform has support for Azure, so Terraform must be enabled as in Step 6: Customize the deployment, and the interface must be set to Terraform as in the example below.

MiCADO supports Windows VM provisioning in Azure. To force a Windows VM, simply DO NOT pass the public_key property and set the image to a desired WindowsServer Sku (2016-Datacenter). Refer to this Sku list

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Azure.Compute
        resource_group: ADD_YOUR_RG_HERE (e.g. my-test)
        virtual_network: ADD_YOUR_VNET_HERE (e.g. my-test-vnet)
        subnet: ADD_YOUR_SUBNET_HERE (e.g. default)
        network_security_group: ADD_YOUR_NSG_HERE (e.g. my-test-nsg)
        size: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. Standard_B1ms)
        image: ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE (e.g. 18.04.0-LTS or 2016-Datacenter)
        public_key: ADD_YOUR_MINIMUM_2048_KEY_HERE (e.g. ssh-rsa ASHFF...)
        public_ip: [OPTIONAL] BOOLEAN_ENABLE_PUBLIC_IP (e.g. true)


Under the properties section of a Azure virtual machine definition these inputs are available.:

  • resource_group specifies the name of the resource group in which the VM should exist.
  • virtual_network specifies the virtual network associated with the VM.
  • subnet specifies the subnet associated with the VM.
  • network_security_group specifies the security settings for the VM.
  • vm_size specifies the size of the VM.
  • image specifies the name of the image.
  • public_ip [OPTIONAL] Associate a public IP with the VM.
  • key_data The public SSH key (minimum 2048-bit) to be associated with the instance. Defining this property forces creation of a Linux VM. If it is not defined, a Windows VM will be created

Under the interfaces section of a Azure virtual machine definition no specific inputs are required, but Terraform: create: should be present

Authentication in Azure is supported by MiCADO in two ways:

The first is by setting up a Service Principal and providing the required fields in credentials-cloud-api.yml during Step 2: Specify cloud credential for instantiating MiCADO workers.

The other option is by enabling a System-Assigned Managed Identity on the MiCADO Master VM and then modify access control of the current subscription to assign the role of Contributor to the MiCADO Master VM


To instantiate MiCADO workers on a cloud through Google interface, please use the template below. Currently, only Terraform has support for Azure, so Terraform must be enabled as in Step 6: Customize the deployment, and the interface must be set to Terraform as in the example below.

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.GCE.Compute
        region: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. us-west1)
        zone: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. us-west1-a)
        project: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. PGCE)
        machine_type: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. n1-standard-2)
        image: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g.  ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-1804-lts)
        network: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. default)
        ssh-keys: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. ssh-rsa AAAB3N...)


Under the properties section of a GCE virtual machine definition these inputs are available.:

  • project is the project to manage the resources in.
  • image specifies the image from which to initialize the VM disk.
  • region is the region that the resources should be created in.
  • machine_type specifies the type of machine to create.
  • zone is the zone that the machine should be created in.
  • network is the network to attach to the instance.
  • ssh-keys sets the public SSH key to be associated with the instance.

Under the interfaces section of a GCE virtual machine definition no specific inputs are required, but Terraform: create: should be present

Authentication in GCE is done using a service account key file in JSON format. You can manage the key files using the Cloud Console. The steps to retrieve the key file is as follows :

  • Open the IAM & Admin page in the Cloud Console.
  • Click Select a project, choose a project, and click Open.
  • In the left nav, click Service accounts.
  • Find the row of the service account that you want to create a key for. In that row, click the More button, and then click Create key.
  • Select a Key type and click Create.


Through abstraction, it is possible to reference a pre-defined type and simplify the description of a virtual machine. Currently MiCADO supports these additional types for CloudSigma, but more can be written:

  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.EC2.Compute.Terra - Orchestrates with Terraform on eu-west-2, overwrite region_name under properties to change region
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute.Occo - Automatically orchestrates on Zurich with Occopus. There is no need to define further fields under interfaces: but Zurich can be changed by overwriting endpoint under properties:
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute.Occo.small - As above but creates a 2GHz/2GB node by default
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute.Occo.big - As above but creates a 4GHz/4GB node by default
  • tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute.Occo.small.NFS - As small above but installs NFS dependencies by default

Example definition of a VM using abstraction

With tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute.Occo.small and omitting capabilities metadata

  type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.CloudSigma.Compute.Occo.small
      vnc_password: ADD_YOUR_PW (e.g. secret)
      libdrive_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (eg. 87ce928e-e0bc-4cab-9502-514e523783e3)
      public_key_id: ADD_YOUR_ID_HERE (e.g. d7c0f1ee-40df-4029-8d95-ec35b34dae1e)
      - firewall_policy: ADD_YOUR_FIREWALL_POLICY_ID_HERE (e.g. fd97e326-83c8-44d8-90f7-0a19110f3c9d)
          conf: dhcp

Monitoring Policy

Metric collection is now disabled by default. The basic exporters from previous MiCADO versions can be enabled through the monitoring policy below. If the policy is omitted, or if one property is left undefined, then the relevant metric collection will be disabled.

- monitoring:
    type: tosca.policies.Monitoring.MiCADO
      enable_container_metrics: true
      enable_node_metrics: true

Scaling Policy

Basic scaling

To utilize the autoscaling functionality of MiCADO, scaling policies can be defined on virtual machine and on the application level. Scaling policies can be listed under the policies section. Each scalability subsection must have the type set to the value of tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO and must be linked to a node defined under node_template. The link can be implemented by specifying the name of the node under the targets subsection. You can attach different policies to different containers or virtual machines, though a new policy should exist for each. The details of the scaling policy can be defined under the properties subsection. The structure of the policies section can be seen below.

      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.<CLOUD_API_TYPE>.Compute
      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.<CLOUD_API_TYPE>.Compute
      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker
      type: tosca.nodes.MiCADO.Container.Application.Docker

  - scalability:
     type: tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO
     targets: [ YOUR-VIRTUAL-MACHINE ]
  - scalability:
     type: tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO
  - scalability:
     type: tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO
     targets: [ YOUR-KUBERNETES-APP ]
  - scalability:
     type: tosca.policies.Scaling.MiCADO

The scaling policies are evaluated periodically. In every turn, the virtual machine level scaling policies are evaluated, followed by the evaluation of each scaling policies belonging to kubernetes-deployed applications.

The properties subsection defines the scaling policy itself. For monitoring purposes, MiCADO integrates the Prometheus monitoring tool with two built-in exporters on each worker node: Node exporter (to collect data on nodes) and CAdvisor (to collect data on containers). Based on Prometheus, any monitored information can be extracted using the Prometheus query language and the returned value can be associated to a user-defined variable. Once variables are updated, scaling rule is evaluated. Scaling rule is specified by (a short) Python code. The code can refer to/use the variables. The structure of the scaling policy can be seen below.

- scalability:
        - 'myprometheus.exporter.ip.address:portnumber'
        MYCONST: 'any string'
        THELOAD: 'Prometheus query expression returning a number'
        MYLISTOFSTRING: ['Prometheus query returning a list of strings as tags','tagname as filter']
        MYEXPR: 'something refering to {{MYCONST}}'
        - alert: myalert
          expr: 'Prometheus expression for an event important for scaling'
          for: 1m
      min_instances: 1
      max_instances: 5
      scaling_rule: |
        if myalert:

The subsections have the following roles:

  • sources supports the dynamic attachment of an external exporter by specifying a list endpoints of exporters (see example above). Each item found under this subsection is configured under Prometheus to start collecting the information provided/exported by the exporters. Once done, the values of the parameters provided by the exporters become available. MiCADO supports Kubernetes service discovery to define such a source, simply pass the name of the app as defined in TOSCA and do not specify any port number
  • constants subsection is used to predefined fixed parameters. Values associated to the parameters can be referred by the scaling rule as variable (see LOWER_THRESHOLD above) or in any other sections referred as Jinja2 variable (see MYEXPR above).
  • queries contains the list of Prometheus query expressions to be executed and their variable name associated (see THELOAD or MYLISTOFSTRING above)
  • alerts subsection enables the utilization of the alerting system of Prometheus. Each alert defined here is registered under Prometheus and fired alerts are represented with a variable of their name set to True during the evaluation of the scaling rule (see myalert above).
  • min_instances keyword specifies the lowest number of instances valid for the node.
  • max_instances keyword specifies the highest number of instances valid for the node.
  • scaling_rule specifies Python code to be evaluated periodically to decide on the number of instances. The Python expression must be formalized with the following conditions:
    • Each constant defined under the ‘constants’ section can be referred; its value is the one defined by the user.
    • Each variable defined under the ‘queries’ section can be referred; its value is the result returned by Prometheus in response to the query string.
    • Each alert name defined under the ‘alerts’ section can be referred, its value is a logical True in case the alert is firing, False otherwise
    • Expression must follow the syntax of the Python language
    • Expression can be multiline
    • The following predefined variables can be referred; their values are defined and updated before the evaluation of the scaling rule
      • m_nodes: python list of nodes belonging to the kubernetes cluster
      • m_node_count: the target number of nodes
      • m_nodes_todrop: the ids or ip addresses of the nodes to be dropped in case of downscaling NOTE MiCADO-Terraform supports private IPs on Azure or AWS EC2 only
      • m_container_count: the target number of containers for the service the evaluation belongs to
      • m_time_since_node_count_changed: time in seconds elapsed since the number of nodes changed
    • In a scaling rule belonging to the virtual machine, the name of the variable to be updated is m_node_count; as an effect the number stored in this variable will be set as target instance number for the virtual machines.
    • In a scaling rule belonging to the virtual machine, the name of the variable to be updated is m_nodes_todrop;the variable must be filled with list of ids or ip addresses and as an effect the valid nodes will be dropped. The variable m_node_count should not be modified in case of node dropping, MiCADO will update it automatically.
    • In a scaling rule belonging to a kubernetes deployment, the name of the variable to be set is m_container_count; as an effect the number stored in this variable will be set as target instance number for the kubernetes service.

For debugging purposes, the following support is provided:

  • m_dryrun can be specified in the constant as list of components towards which the communication is disabled. It has the following syntax: m_dryrun: [“prometheus”,”occopus”,”k8s”,”optimizer”] Use this feature with caution!
  • the standard output of the python code defined by the user under the scaling rule section is collected in a separate log file stored under the policy keeper log directory. It can also be used for debugging purposes.

For further examples, inspect the scaling policies of the demo examples detailed in the next section.

Optimiser-based scaling

For implementing more advanced scaling policies, it is possible to utilize the built-in Optimiser in MiCADO. The role of the Optimiser is to support decision making in calculating the number of worker nodes (virtual machines) i.e. to scale the nodes to the optimal level. Optimiser is implemented using machine learning algorithm aiming to learn the relation between various metrics and the effect of scaling events. Based on this learning, the Optimiser is able to calculate and advise on the necessary number of virtual machines.

Current limitations
  • only web based applications are supported
  • only one of the node sets can be supported
  • no container scaling is supported
Optimiser can be utilised based on the following principles
  • User specifies a so-called target metric with its associated minimum and maximum thresholds. The target metric is a monitored Prometheus expression for which the value is tried to be kept between the two thresholds by the Optimiser with scaling advices.
  • User specifies several so-called input metrics which represent the state of the system correlating to the target variable
  • User specifies several initial settings (see later) for the Optimiser
  • User submits the application activating the Optimiser through the ADT
  • Optimiser starts with the ‘training’ phase during which the correlations are learned. During the training phase artificial load must be generated for the web application and scaling activities must be performed (including extreme values) in order to present all possible situations for the Optimiser. During the phase, Optimiser continuously monitors the input/target metrics and learns the correlations.
  • When correlations are learnt, Optimiser turns to ‘production’ phase during which advice can be requested from the Optimiser. During this phase, Optimiser returns advice on request, where the advice contains the number of virtual machines (nodes) to be scaled to. During the production phase, the Optimiser continues its learning activity to adapt to the new situations.
Activation of the Optimiser
Optimiser must be enabled at deployment time. By default it is disabled. Once it is enabled and deployed, it can be driven through the scaling policy in subsections “constants” and “queries”. Each parameter relating to the Optimiser must start with the “m_opt_” string. In case no variable name with this prefix is found in any sections, Optimiser is not activated.
Initial settings for the Optimiser

Parameters for initial settings are defined under the “constants” section and their name must start with the “m_opt_init_” prefix. These parameters are as follows:

  • m_opt_init_knowledge_base is a parameter which specifies the way how the knowledge base must be built under the Optimiser. When defined as “build_new”, Optimiser empties its knowledge base and starts building a new knowledge i.e. starts learning the correlations. When using the “use_existing” value, the knowledge is kept and continued building further. Default is “use_existing”.
  • m_opt_init_training_samples_required defines how many sample of the metrics must be collected by the Optimiser before start learning the correlations. Default is 300.
  • m_opt_init_max_upscale_delta specifies the maximum change in number of node for an upscaling advice. Default is 6.
  • m_opt_init_max_downscale_delta specifies the maximum change in number of node for a downscaling advice. Default is 6.
  • m_opt_init_advice_freeze_interval specifies how many seconds must elapse before the Optimiser advises a different number of node. Can be used to mitigate the frequency of scaling. Defaults to 0.
Definition of input metrics for the Optimizer

Input metrics must be specified for the Optimiser under the “queries” subsection to perform the training i.e. learning the correlations. Each parameter must start with the “m_opt_input_” prefix, e.g. m_opt_input_CPU. The following two pieces of variable must be specified for the web application:

  • m_opt_input_AVG_RR should specify the average request rate of the web server.
  • m_opt_input_SUM_RR should specify the summary of request rate of the web server.
Definition of the target metric for the Optimizer

Target metric is a continuously monitored parameter that must be kept between thresholds. To specify it, together with the thresholds, “m_opt_target_” prefix must be used. These three parameter must be defined under the “queries” sections. They are as follows:

  • m_opt_target_query_MYTARGET specifies the prometheus query for the target metric called MYTARGET.
  • m_opt_target_minth_MYTARGET specifies the value above which the target metric must be kept.
  • m_opt_target_maxth_MYTARGET specifies the value below which the target metric must be kept.
Requesting scaling advice from the Optimizer

In order to receive a scaling advice from the Optimiser, the method m_opt_advice() must be invoked in the scaling_rule section of the node.

IMPORTANT! Minimum and maximum one node must contain this method invocation in its scaling_rule section for proper operation!

The m_opt_advice() method returns a python dictionary containing the following fields:

  • valid stores True/False value indicating whether the advise can be considered or not.
  • phase indicates whether the Optimiser is in “training” or “production” phase.
  • vm_number represents the advise for the target number of nodes to scale to.
  • reliability represents the goodness of the advice with a number between 0 and 100. The bigger the number is the better/more reliable the advice is.
  • error_msg contains the error occured in the Optimiser. Filled when valid is False.

Network policy

There are six types of MiCADO network security policy.

  • tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.Passthrough: Pass through network policy. Specifies no additional filtering, no application-level firewall on the nodes.
  • tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.L7Proxy: Apply application-level firewall; can provide TLS control. No protocol enforcement.
    type: boolean
    description: Specifies if encryption should be used
    required: true
    type: string
    description: The key file for TLS encryption as unencrypted .PEM
    required: false
    type: string
    description: The cert file for TLS encryption as .PEM
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Controls whether connection should be re-encrypted server side
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Specifies allowed ciphers client side during TLS handshake
    required: false
  • tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.SmtpProxy: Enforce SMTP protocol, can provide TLS control.
    type: boolean
    description: Toggle relay checking
    required: true
    type: boolean
    description: Allow the % symbol in the local part of an email address
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Return a soft error when recipient filter does not match
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Domain mails are accepted for use postfix style lists
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow the ! symbol in the local part of an email address
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Domains mails accepted based on list of regex (precedence)
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Domain mails rejected based on list of regular expressions
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Sender addresses accepted based on list of regex (precedence)
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Sender addresses rejected based on list of regex
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Recipient addresses accepted based on list of regex (precedence)
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Recipient addresses rejected based on list of regex
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Let Zorp autodetect firewall domain name and write to received line
      - valid_values: ["mailname", "fqdn"]
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Domain to append to email addresses which do not specify a domain
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Permit MAIL From and RCPT To params without normally required brackets
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Interval between two NOOP commands sent to server while waiting for stack proxy results
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Resolve client host from IP address and write to received line
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Permit overly long responses as some MTAs include variable parts in responses
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed length of a request during SASL style authentication
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed line length of server response
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Error code sent to client if connecting to server fails
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Add a received header into the email messages transferred by proxy
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Fix a domain name into added receive line. add_received_header must be true
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Change to passthrough mode
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Allowed ESMTP extensions, indexed by extension verb
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Specify whether proxy should enforce valid CRLF line terminations
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Timeout in ms - if no packet arrives, connection is dropped
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed line length of client requests
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Enable unknown commands
    required: false
  • tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.HttpProxy: Enforce HTTP protocol, can provide TLS control.
    type: integer
    description: Max number of requests allowed in a single session
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow proxy type requests in transparent mode
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: If connection is terminated without a proxy generated error, send an RST instead of a normal close
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow unicode characters in URLs encoded as u'
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow server type requests in non transparent mode
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed length of hostname field in URLs
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Address or hostname of parent proxy to be connected
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow processing FTP URLs in non transparent mode
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Port of parent proxy to be connected
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow server responses to use limited HTTP 0 9 protocol
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Rewrite host header in requests when URL redirection occurs
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed length of lines in requests and responses
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed length of a single chunk when using chunked transer encoding
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Specify Zorp action if non rfc or unknown header in communication
      - valid_values: ["accept", "drop", "abort"]
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of ports that non transparent requests may use
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Require RFC conformant HTTP headers
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Force new auth request from client browser after time in seconds
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed length of URL in a request
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Time to wait for a request to arrive from client
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Control number of attempts proxy takes to send request to server
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: On error, Zorp uses this as status code of HTTP response
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Try to keep connection to client persistent, even if unsupported
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Location of HTTP error messages
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum number of eader lines allowed in requests and responses
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Enable canonicalization - converts URLs to canonical form
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Maximum allowed length of HTTP request or response body
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Require presence of host header
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Size of I O buffer used to transfer entity bodies
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Normative policy hash for HTTP responses indexed by HTTP method and response code
      description: dictionary (string/int)
      type: map
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Enable transparent mode for the proxy
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Permit RFC incompliant responses with headers not terminated by CRLF, and not containing entity body
    required: false
    type: string
    description: Specify language of HTTP error pages displayed to client
    required: false
    default: English
    type: boolean
    description: Turns off verbose error reporting to HTTP client, making firewall fingerprinting more difficult
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of permitted HTTP methods indexed by verb
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Enable use of default port in transparent mode
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Time to wait for the HTTP status line to arrive from the server
    required: false
    type: boolean
    description: Allow invalid hexadecimal escaping in URLs
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Caching authentication information time in seconds
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: General I O timeout in ms
    required: false
    type: integer
    description: Used in non transparent mode when URL does not contain a port number
    required: false
    default: 80
  • tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.HttpURIFilterProxy: Enforce HTTP protocol with regex URL filtering capabilities
    type: list
    description: List of regex determining permitted access to a URL (precedence)
    required: true
    type: list
    description: List of regex determining prohibited access to a URL
    required: true
  • tosca.policies.Security.MiCADO.Network.HttpWebdavProxy: Enforce HTTP protocol with request methods for WebDAV.

This proxy has no additional properties.

Secret policy

There is a way to define application-level secrets in the MiCADO application description. These secrets are distributed by kubernetes.

  derived_from: tosca.policies.Root
  description: distributes secrets to services
      type: map
      type: map