MiCADO has a TOSCA compliant submitter to submit, update, list and remove MiCADO applications. The submitter exposes the following REST API:

  • To launch an application specified by a TOSCA description stored locally, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -F file=@[path to the TOSCA description] -X POST https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/launch/file/
  • To launch an application specified by a TOSCA description stored locally and specify an application id, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -F file=@[path to the TOSCA description] -F id=[APPLICATION_ID]  -X POST https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/launch/file/
  • To launch an application specified by a TOSCA description stored behind a url, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -d input="[url to TOSCA description]" -X POST https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/launch/url/
  • To launch an application specified by a TOSCA description stored behind an url and specify an application id, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -d input="[url to TOSCA description]" -d id=[ID] -X POST https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/launch/url/
  • To update a running MiCADO application using a TOSCA description stored locally, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -F file=@"[path to the TOSCA description]" -X PUT https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/udpate/file/[APPLICATION_ID]
  • To update a running MiCADO application using a TOSCA description stored behind a url, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -d input="[url to TOSCA description]" -X PUT https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/udpate/file/[APPLICATION_ID]
  • To undeploy a running MiCADO application, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -X DELETE https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/undeploy/[APPLICATION_ID]
  • To query all the running MiCADO applications, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -X GET https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/list_app/
  • To query one running MiCADO application, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -X GET https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/[APPLICATION_ID]
  • To query the services of a running MiCADO application, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -X GET https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/[APPLICATION_ID]/services
  • To query the nodes hosting a running MiCADO application, use this command:
curl --insecure -s -X GET https://[username]:[password]@[IP]:[port]/toscasubmitter/v1.0/app/[APPLICATION_ID]/nodes